Welcome to "Mind Transfer Machine" a unique narrative experience crafted by kev96. Dive into a captivating journey centered around a man and his girlfriend, where an unexpected twist unfolds through the creation of a memory transfer machine. What was intended to be a simple transfer of a few memories turns into a fascinating tale when the couple accidentally undergoes a complete mind swap, finding themselves intricately entwined in each other's lives and bodies.

Embark on an exploration of the challenges, humor, and unforeseen consequences that arise as they navigate the complexities of their switched identities. "Mind Transfer Machine" offers a compelling storyline, meaningful choices, and a blend of humor within the context of this mind-bending experience.

As the creator, kev96, aims to deliver a game that combines an engaging narrative with a touch of kinkiness, players can expect a journey filled with surprises, character development, and a distinctive twist on the visual novel genre. If you find yourself drawn to this concept and wish to support the creator, consider exploring additional content on Patreon.

Whether you're seeking a unique gaming experience or just curious about the intricacies of a mind transfer gone awry, "Mind Transfer Machine" invites you to embark on this thrilling adventure.


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For some reason I can't scroll in the main/center text window.

(1 edit)

what worked for me was zooming the text all the way out so the links show up and then zoom in to read. But still something they need to fix